Do you know someone who recently lost a beloved pet? Create a comforting card to let them know you care using the pet sympathy stamps featuring a number of sweet dog and cat images, an optional halo, angel wings and other supporting pet themed images, along with 6+ interchangeable sentiments.
Please check out the matching Pet Sympathy dies for other possibilities.
Approximate Stamp Sizes:
Curled Up Cat- 1.75 x .938 inch
Sleeping Dog- 1.625 x 1.25 inch
Puppy Dog With Heart- 1.375 x 1.5 inch
Sitting Kitty Cat- 1.125 x 1.5 inch
Pet Bed- 2.125 x 1h inch
Angel Wings- .438 x .75 inch (each wing)
Paw Print- .375 x .312 inch
Fur Baby Sentiment- 1.5 x .25 inch
   4x6 inch Photopolymer Clear Stamp Set
   For use with a clear acrylic block (not included)
   Lovingly made in the USA