Waffle Flower's Sketched Marigold set is part of the series created from the original sketches by Susan Bates for StitchableCards Birth Month Flower cross-stitch patterns. The set features a sunny marigold design with bold outlines and elegant curves, perfect as the focal point of your card.
4 x 6 inch set of 7 stamps
Approximate Sizes:
- Flower: 3.375 x 4.8125 inches
- Sending You Love: 0.1875 x 2.25 inches
- Happy Birthday: 2.5 x 0.8125 inches
- On Your Special Day: 0.1875 x 2.5625 inches
Sentiments Read:
- Sending you love
- Celebrating you
- Happy Birthday
- On your special day
- Cheers
- To you